
Not recognizing "A road way is to be provided for a foard [ford] crossing at appx sta 1094+50"

I don't understand why this clause has never been recognized. This is the fundamental issue. Can we connect this dot with kill the messenger? Can we connect this dot with diversionary issues? Are these diversionary issues?

  1. A 1975 opinion on commercial entrances using the police power of the State.
  2. An unidentifed "option" on the 1935 Agreement.
  3. Cherry picking. Interpretting parts of the 1935 Agreement to justify not providing the entrance while not mentioning the part that does provide the entrance. [Recognizing only parts of a contract or Agreement is against the law]. All or none of a contract is binding.
  4. xxxx

Has an element hi-jacked the power and prestige of the Commonwealth and no one can do anything about it? Can we start at the beginning; and expose the accounting trails behind Bk467p191 and find out where the money went? And not position the messenger against the Attorney General's Office, VDOT, Fairfrax County, it's Court, Highland County, the IRS, the State Dept of Taxation, the Virginia Bar, confusion and conflict and the opaque, and members of my own family? Our family is innocent.



The September 11, 1935, Agreement between the Landowner and the Commonwealth says "A road way is to be provided for a foard [ford] crossing at appx sta 1094+50". This means that the Commonwealth promises to provide a ford crossing for the Landowner at highway station 1094 +50. Highway station 1094+50 is the approximate location where the Landowner's original entrance was destroyed by the relocation of the Jackson River.

"A road way is to be provided for a foard [ford] crossing at appx sta 1094+50"

"Consideration: $750.00 for land, fencing, tearing down or moving three buildings, apple and sugar trees, and all damages to residue.
It is agreed the State is to lay a 1" water line from the north side of road at Station 1077+90 to a point back of her house and construct a concrete watering trough 2' x 4' x 2'.
A road way is to be provided for foard [ford] crossing at appx sta 1094+50. 'The timber is reserved by the owner and is to be cut under the standard timber clause.
'The owner agrees to clear the right of way before payment is made and in the event they should fail to do so, the State has the right to remove same and deduct the cost from the above consideration."