Anthony O'Connell
1996 thru 1999
1996.01.29 (Anthony
to Sheila
and Jean Nader)
"I moved out of Oak Grove and it was something, specially during the blizzard. My new address and telephone number is:
216 Governors Lane, Apt 12
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801
(540) 574-4169
Hope you all are well.
Love, Tony"
1996.03.04 (Anthony
to Joanne Barnes)
"Would you be kind enough to explain item 4 and 5 of Schedule F, of my mother's estate tax return?
4 Interest due Harold 08Connell Trust 816.00
5 Debt due from Harold
Trust 659.97
thank you in advance.
Sincerely, Anthony
1996.03.06 (Anthony
to Henry Mackall) (Copy to Jude Bruce Bach and Judge Thomas Kenny)
"Ref: Request for copy of complete file
My letter to you of August 25,1995
My letter to you of October 5, 1995
Estate of Harold A.
# 21840
Trust u/w of H. A.
# 21840 Estate of Jean O'Connell # 49160
Dear Assistant Commissioner Mackall:
I would like to thank you again for sending me copies of the five letters from your file on August 29, 1995.
I need copies of everything. Please send me a copy of your complete and entire file covering the period when you represented me in 1985-1986. Please include memos, notes of telephone calls, notes to yourself, etc. Please leave nothing out.
Please bill me and thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony
1996.07.09 (Anthony
to Jean Nader, Sheila
"Hope you and your families are well. It was nice to talk with you the other week.
The total 1996 real estate tax for Accotink is $3,693.00. Would you please send me a check for $3,693.0013 = $ 1,231.00? Jean owes for 1995 and interest, Sheila owes for 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 and interest.
Love, Anthony
1996.07.31 (Anthony
to Jean Nader)
"Thank you so much for the real estate tax payment! You sent me $1,231.00 for 1996 which is correct, and $1,231 .OO for 1995 which is more than the original amount for 1995 ($1,I 61.40) but less than the 1995 total that includes interest:
1995 original amount was $1,161.40.
Interest for one year at 10% was $ 116.14
total due $1,277.54
amount paid 7/23/96 1,231.00
amount due $ 46.54
Would you please send me a check for the remaining $46.54? As much as I would like to waive the remaining interest, to do so would make it difficult not to waive the interest due from Sheila, and that amount is prohibitive.
Love, Tony"
- (book) (Anthony
to about 500 recipients).
wrote a book called "First thing is to have the final accounting ...Send it to me". The title is taken from Jean
's memo of her instructions to Joanne Barnes in May of 1985.
1997.09.25 (Anthony
to Jean Nader, Sheila
O'Connell) (No copy to another)
"The total 1997 real estate tax for Accotink is $ 3,690.00. Would you please send me a check for $3,690.0013 = $ 1,230.00?
Sheila, you also owe me for 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996, plus interest.
May I get your response to the book I sent you entitled First thing is to have the final accounting. ..... ? See page 8, copy enclosed.
Jean, I am returning the enclosed check you sent me dated 8-1 1-96, for $46.54, labeled "10% penalty-Accotink". The "penalty" label is the type of thing the CPA and lawyer can use to make me look like the bad guy. The 10% is interest, it is not a penalty. The enclosed copy of the Fairfax County tax bill sort of illustrates the difference. Fairfax
County charges a 10% penalty plus 10% interest on the penalty and unpaid taxes. If I had cashed it, I believe it would mean that I agreed that the 10% was a penalty. I waited until after the book was done before addressing the penalty issue, because 1 wanted to minimize anything that the operation could use to create conflict. So, would you please send me a replacement check for the $46.54 marked "interest"?
Love, Anthony
1998.01.05 (Anthony
to Jean Nader) (Copy to Sheila O'Connell)
"If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing you could do is to continue to rely on the CPA's advice.
Please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals that held themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice to you should not be relied upon. Please understand that if you continue to rely on the CPA's advice or of anyone the operation guides you to, mother's estate and Accotink will remain in their control, and they can jerk us around with secrecy, set-ups and surprises until they benefit and wee lose. Please, please hire a CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy from the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say.
Please do not accept the policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. Please understand that mother, based on previous set up patterns, was set up to dictate that message over the telephone to you. Does secrecy from the beneficiaries make sense to you?
Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate (Basically the difference between the $175,000 version and the
$119,000 version of the estate tax return and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. Only you can correct this in your position as co-executor. If I file the charges the operation will say it's against you too and they will use you to fight me and cover for them.
Those two versions of the estate tax return mean the fraud operation intentional deceived you. It means, based on the known financial documents, that they stole money from the estate. I believe it was laundered out of the estate through the stockbroker.
If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. Please contact the FBI and correct that:
Charles L. Owens
Chief, Financial Crimes Section
Criminal Investigation Division
J. E. Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535
FBI Supervisory Special Agent Tim Healy
Criminal Division, Financial Crime Section, Economic Crime Unit, Room
J. E. Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535
Please stop being used by the fraud operation. Covering up for the fraud operation who jerked mother around until she died of a heart attack is not being loyal to mother. Please make yourself aware.
Please read Sabotage Settlement concerning the first piece of property I sold (pages 213- 244). You were at the settlement. What did the CPA and lawyer tell you and Mother? This is still a secret from me. If we can't clear up what the fraud operation did to us in my sale of the first parcel ten years ago it is unlikely that we will be able to prevent them from doing it again with the remaining parcel. Please tell me what the CPA and lawyer told you and mother. If the fraud operation can continue to use you to cany out their agenda they can sabotage any sale I try to make of Accotink.
Please read the book until you understand the set-ups. Please make this your major project until it is cleaned up and all the accounting entanglements and set ups created to create conflict over Accotink are removed. Please face this so I can sell Accotink and we can get our money. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1998.01.19 (Anthony
to Carl and Amy Johnson)
"Your Mom, Jean Nader, is hooked by a fraud operation. I need to get her to separate from it before the remaining real estate that we jointly owe can be successfully sold.
The enclosed book is my best effort to describe how the operation works. Would you all be willing to try to understand it? It is very complex and subtle. You do not have to be a lawyer to understand it. It would be helpful to have some understanding of accounting. The best tools to understanding are common sense, no secrets, 10W honesty, and keeping the focus on the facts. It would take a lot of your time, and even if you were successful, you may not have any more success in convincing Jean Nader of it than I did. If you do not want to get involved, just mail the book and enclosure back to me.
One unfortunate consequence of this has been me not coming to your wedding. The decision to not come was not an intellectual or vengeful one. After going to John's wedding, I knew the stress was just too much. The stress of people not believing me, but believing the operations version of me, was more stress than my body was willing to take. There is a very long list of people who do not believe me.
If you do decide to try to understand how the operation works, I suggest that you start with something relatively straightforward like $70,050.51 off the Top? on page 357. I believe the $70,050.51 was a separate check that was laundered (stolen) through the stockbroker. The operation has been using Jean Nader to take responsibility for what the operation does. Another reason to try to get Jean Nader to separate herself from the fraud operation is to prevent her, in the event some investigator is able and willing to penetrate the secrecy of the accounting, from going to jail.
At this time, I ask that you not send Jean Nader a copy of Enclosure: (1) FBI. If she turns it over to the lawyer he can twist it to the operations benefit before other's get a chance to see it. I did send Jean Nader and Sheila O'Connell a copy of the big book on September 3, 1997.
As long as Jean Nader buys the operations policy of secrecy (See Set Up Mother to Set
Up Daughter to Cover for Operation on page 277), I believe the situation is hopeless. As
I said, the best tools to understanding are common sense, no secrets, 100% honesty, and keeping the focus on the facts. Again, if you do not want to get involved, just mail the stuff back to me, and no hard feelings. It is entirely up to you if you all want to talk about this when Kay and I come to Iceland.
Either way, we look forward to seeing you. I have a video of the Pittsburgh Stealers vs. Denver game. I am assuming you all saw it, but if you would like it, please let me know. We look forward to our winter vacation in Iceland!?
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1998.01.19 (Anthony
to Jean Nader) (Copy to Sheila O'Connell)
"If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing you could do is to continue to rely on the CPA's advice.
Please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals that held themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice to you should not be relied upon. Please understand that if you continue to rely on the CPA's advice or of anyone the operation guides you to, mother's estate and Accotink will remain in their control, and they can jerk us around with secrecy, set-ups and surprises until they benefit and wee lose. Please, please hire a CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy from the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say.
Please do not accept the policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. Please understand that mother, based on previous set up patterns, was set up to dictate that message over the telephone to you. Does secrecy from the beneficiaries make sense to you?
Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate (Basically the difference between the $175,000 version and the
$1 19,000 version of the estate tax return and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. Only you can correct this in your position as co- executor. If I file the charges the operation will say it's against you too and they will use you to fight me and cover for them.
Those two versions of the estate tax return mean the fraud operation intentional deceived you. It means, based on the known financial documents, that they stole money from the estate. I believe it was laundered out of the estate through the stockbroker.
If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. Please contact the FBI and correct that:
Charles L. Owens
Chief, Financial Crimes Section
Criminal Investigation Division
J. E. Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535
FBI Supervisory Special Agent Tim Healy
Criminal Division, Financial Crime Section, Economic Crime Unit, Room 3634
J. E. Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535
Please stop being used by the fraud operation. Covering up for the fraud operation who jerked mother around until she died of a heart attack is not being loyal to mother. Please make yourself aware.
Please read Sabotage Settlement concerning the first piece of property I sold (pages 213- 244). You were at the settlement. What did the CPA and lawyer tell you and Mother? This is still a secret from me. If we can't clear up what the fraud operation did to us in my sale of the first parcel ten years ago it is unlikely that we will be able to prevent them from doing it again with the remaining parcel. Please tell me what the CPA and lawyer told you and mother. If the fraud operation can continue to use you to carry out their agenda they can sabotage any sale I try to make of Accotink.
Please read the book until you understand the set-ups. Please make this your major project until it is cleaned up and all the accounting entanglements and set ups created to create conflict over Accotink are removed. Please face this so I can sell Accotink and we can get our money. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy."
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1998.03.03 (Anthony
to Center for Responsive Law)
"The enclosed book describes what I believe is a fraud operation. I estimate that it would take ten full days for a reader to understand it and that anything less than that would be counterproductive. Would you be willing to take that amount of time? So far this operation has been untouchable.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1998.03.07 (Anthony
to Bar) (Copy to Edward White)
"I am responsible for the sale of my family's remaining parcel of real estate. Indications are that the same source that caused the problems with my sale of the first parcel will use trusting family members to cause problems here. It is essential for my family to understand the source of the problems on my first sale before trying to sell this parcel.
As a start towards accountability, would you please have Mr. Edward J. White, Attorney, give you a written "yes" or "no" as to whether he drafted the deed for the settlement of April 21, 1988, and send me a copy?
Were the Virginia Bar's pervious letters written under the belief that the lawyer was only trying to protect one family member from another, or protecting the privacy of a family problem, or something along those lines?"
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1998.03.17 (Anthony
to Bar)
"Apparently Mr. Edward J. White is no longer at 118 South Royal Street, Alexandria,
Virginia 22314, or at Tel(703) 836-5444.
The Post Office could not forward the above letter and directory assistance has no new telephone number for him. Can you give me his new address and telephone number or tell me how I could contact him?
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1998.07.06 (Anthony O'Connell to Jean Nader and Sheila
"The total 1998 real estate tax for Accotink is $3,690.00. Would you please send me a check for $ 3,690.00/3 = $ 1,230.00?
Sheila, you also owe me for 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997, plus interest.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
1998.11.03 (Anthony
to Jean Nader) (Copy to Sheila O'Connell)
"Please separate yourself and our inheritance from the fraud operation so we can sell Accotink and get our money.
If the fraud operation can continue to use you to carry out their agenda they can sabotage any sale and gain at our expense. They can kill us with secrecy, surprises and stress in the process. Please read Sabotage Settlement concerning the first piece of property I sold (Please see the book First thing is to have the final accounting ...p ages 213-244).
I believe the CPA is the core of the operation and the worst thing you could do is to continue to rely on her advice. Please hire a local accountant in Pennsylvania to go over the estate accounting. Tell them the advice the lawyer, the CPA, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. You have to understand the accounting inside and out and apply common sense. Does secrecy from the beneficiaries make sense to you?
Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate (Basically the difference between the $175,000 version and the $1 19,000 version of the estate tax return. Please see the book, pages 357-36s.) and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. Only you can correct this in your position as co-executor. I tried everything I know and couldn't. If I file the charges the operation will say it's against you too and they will use you to cover for them and structure it so that you and I will be fighting each other. Do not let them intimidate you. You have to confront them. Please make this your major project until it is cleaned up and all the accounting entanglements and set ups created to give the operation control of Accotink are removed. Please face this head on. Perhaps a million dollars is at stake in Accotink.
Please read the book. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1998.11.14 (Anthony
to Jean Nader) (Copy to Sheila O'Connell)
"Please separate yourself and our inheritance from the fraud operation so we can sell
Accotink and get our money.
If the fraud operation can continue to use you to carry out their agenda they can sabotage any sale and gain at our expense. They can kill us with secrecy, surprises and stress in the process. Please read Sabotage Settlement concerning the first piece of property I sold (Please see the book First thing is to have the final accounting ...p ages 213-244).
I believe the CPA is the core of the operation and the worst thing you could do is to continue to rely on her advice. Please hire a local accountant in Pennsylvania to go over the estate accounting. Tell them the advice the lawyer, the CPA, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. Please apply common sense. Does secrecy from the beneficiaries make sense to you?
Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate please see the $175,000 version and the $1 19,000 version of the estate tax return in the book on pages 357-365) and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. Only you can correct this in your position as co-executor. I tried everything I know and couldn't. If I file the charges the operation will say it's against you too and they will use you to cover for them and structure it so that you and I will be fighting each other. Do not let them intimidate you. You have to confront them. Please make this your major project until it is cleaned up and all the accounting entanglements and set ups created to create conflict over Accotink are removed. Please face this so we can get our money.
Please read the book until you understand the set-ups. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1998.12.14 (Anthony
to Jean Nader) (Copy to Sheila O'Connell)
"If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ... . I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing you could do is to continue to rely on her advice.
Please read the book until you understand that the fraud operation intentionally created the conflicts in order to destroy our relationship as a diversionary focus from themselves and that secrecy and using your trust are tools that allows them to do it.
Please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals that held themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice to you should not be relied upon. Please understand that if you continue to rely on the CPA's advice or of anyone the operation guides you to, mother's estate will remain in their control, and they can jerk us around with secrecy, set-ups and surprises until we are destroyed. Please, please hire a CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy from the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. Since the CPA and lawyer have destroyed my credibility with you this is essential if you want to know the truth.
Please read Sabotage Settlement concerning the first piece of property I sold (pages 213- 244). You were at the settlement. What did the CPA and lawyer tell you and Mother that I did wrong? This is still a secret from me. If we can't clear up what the fraud operation did to us in my sale of the first parcel ten years ago it is unlikely that we will be able to prevent them from doing it again with the remaining parcel. Please tell me what the CPA and lawyer told you and mother.
If the fraud operation can continue to use you to carry out their agenda they can sabotage any sale of Accotink and their gain is our loss. They can destroy us with secrecy, surprises and stress in the process.
Please do not accept the policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are taking advantage of your loyalty to mother (Please see page 277 in the book) to do things such as steal money from her estate. Does secrecy from the beneficiaries make sense to you?
Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate (Basically the difference between the $175,000 version and the
$119,000 version of the estate tax return with the same dates in the book on pages 357-
365) and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker.
Only you can correct this in your position as co-executor. If I file the charges the operation will say it's against you too and they will use you to cover for them and structure it so that you and I will be fighting each other and leave themselves covered.
Please contact the FBI. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. Those two versions mean the fraud operation intentional deceived you. It means money was laundered out of the estate. I believe it was done through the stockbroker.
Charles L. Owens
Chief, Financial Crimes Section
Criminal Investigation Division
J. E. Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535
FBI Supervisory Special Agent Tim Healy
Criminal Division, Financial Crime Section, Economic Crime Unit, Room 3634
J. E. Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535
Please stop being used by the fraud operation. Covering up for the fraud operation who jerked mother around using secrecy and her trust is not being loyal to mother. Please make yourself aware.
Please read the book until you understand the set-ups. Please make this your major project until it is cleaned up and all the accounting entanglements and set ups created to create conflict over Accotink are removed. Please face this so we can get our money. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.02.02 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
I am enclosing a relatively straightforward example of fraud, the two versions of the estate tax return. Based on the known financial documents, it means that Jean was led to believe that $175,000 was sent to the RS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted Jean to cover for them by getting her to sign the documents.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice to you should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that it will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, and it will be made to appear as if it were my fault. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first protecting it from the fraud operation.
If you are being told that I can be removed as trustee of Accotink that is not true. There has to he some basis for the Court to remove me. My trying to protect Accotink from a fraud operation is not a justifiable basis for removal. A Court appearance would give me an opportunity to expose the known accounting and the set-ups. Because secrecy is essential to the fraud operation I do not believe they would allow this.
If you would like to speed things up towards determining the source of the conflicts try to pin down the CPA or lawyer to identify exactly what it is I have supposedly done wrong. They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
Jean, you are hooked by a fraud operation and unless you face this we can't get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. Please contact the FBI and correct that (Try to have the CPA and lawyer accept accountability and ask them to justify the two versions. Please understand that the CPA and lawyer intimidate a client into secrecy and lead the client to believe he or she is responsible for the accounting the
CPA and lawyer did.).
1. Please, please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy from the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your Friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not accept the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. Only you can correct this in your position as co-executor. If I file the charges the operation will say it's against you too and they will use you to fight me and cover for them, and again, we lose.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.02.16 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice to you should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that it will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, and it will be made to appear as if it were my fault. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to pin down the CPA or lawyer to identify exactly what it is I have supposedly done wrong. They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
Jean, you are hooked by a fraud operation and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return mean that you were led to believe that $175,000 was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents.
The CPA and the lawyer are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on them that did it.
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in
Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy from the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not accept the operation's policy of secrecy as loyalty to mother. Secrecy is essential to the operation and they can't operate without secrecy.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say it's against you too and they will use you to fight me and cover for them, and again, we lose.
4. Please separate yourself from the fraud operation.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.02.25 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have thefinal accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and cany out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant.
Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person. would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
Jean, you are hooked and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return mean that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on them that did it.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong (Except to try to expose them). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy. The worst loss to me has been the loss of our relationship.
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy from the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without it.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them.
4. Please separate yourself and our assets from the fraud operation.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.03.10 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant. Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
Jean, you are hooked and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong (Except to try to expose them). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila. .
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy fiom the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them.
4. Please separate yourself and our assets from the fraud operation so we can successfully sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.03.29 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant. Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
Jean, you are hooked and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong (Except to try to expose them). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila. .
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy fiom the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them.
4. Please separate yourself and our assets from the fraud operation so we can successfully sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.04.18 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant. Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
Jean, you are hooked and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong (Except to try to expose them). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila. .
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy fiom the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them.
4. Please separate yourself and our assets from the fraud operation so we can successfully sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.05.05 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant. Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
Jean, you are hooked and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong (Except to try to expose them). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila. .
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy fiom the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them.
4. Please separate yourself and our assets from the fraud operation so we can successfully sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.05.14 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"Jean, would you please tell me the identity of your accountant who is advising you as you say in your enclosed note (My accountant suggested I keep 20% because I pay the income tar on 875.41. I have done so.)?
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.05.31 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant. Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
Jean, you are hooked and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong (Except to try to expose them). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila. .
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy fiom the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them.
4. Please separate yourself and our assets from the fraud operation so we can successfully sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.06.03 (Anthony
to Jesse Wilson and Henry Mackall)
"Reference: Commissioner's disapproval of my 11th Court Account (Enclosure 1)
My 1lth Court Account was disapproved
I don't know what else to do to try to convince you that I am the sole trustee of the Trust u/w of H. A. O'Connell but to sent copies of documents that I sent previously.
If any of you feel I am not the sole trustee of the Trust u/w of H. A. O'Connell would you please state the reason(s) so that it can be addressed? Would you please not sent me any more unsigned letters? I thank you in advance.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
1999.06.05 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"Jean, thank you for your May 30, 1999 letter asking me why I wanted to know your accountant's name (Copy enclosed).
I asked you that because I need your help to sell Accotink.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant. Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
Jean, you are hooked and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong (Except to try to expose them). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila. .
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy fiom the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them.
4. Please separate yourself and our assets from the fraud operation so we can successfully sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.06.12 (Anthony
to Jesse Wilson, Henry Mackall and John Frey)
"As I understand it my Eleventh Court Account covering the period 1/1/95 - 12/31/95 has not been approved because there was no paperwork explaining why I was the only trustee (Enclosure 1).
I am going to assume that the issue I should address is the resignation of my co-trustee on July 21, 1988.
Herbert Anderson Higham and Anthony M. O'Connell qualified as trustees for the trust U/W of H. A. O'Connell on June 20,1986 (Enclosure 2).
The Order allowing for the resignation of Herbert Anderson Higham was entered by Judge J. H. Brown on July 21, 1988 (Enclosure 3). If Judge Brown's Order was not recorded with a Book and Page number would you please have it recorded with a Book and Page number?
My letter to Commissioner Wilson dated August 22, 1988 in my Third Court Account stated: Enclosed is a certified true copy of the court order signed by Judge Brown accepting the resignation of Herbert Anderson Higham as co-trustee, subject to the approval of this, the Third Account. The Third Court Account was approved on January 25, 1989 (Enclosure 4).
My letter to Commissioner Wilson dated April 7, 1989 in my Fourth Court Account stated: This Fourth Account readjusts my filing schedule back to my previous calendar (sic) basis. The resignation of my co-trustee on 7/21/88 and the necessary special account of 1/1/88 - 7/21/88 caused the temporary interruption (Enclosure 5).
On April 20, 1988 I was surprised to find myself in a position of having to choose between signing a deed stating that I could not qualify as trustee (...whereas Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee, could not qualify and Herbert A. Higham, Trustee, was appointed to act in his place and stead.. .. Book 7005 Page 0634), or being accused of destroying the settlement of a $1.41 million sale of family real estate I made. I am concerned that something similar might happen again in my sale of my family's remaining real estate (Enclosure 6).
If any of you have any reason to think that Anthony M. O'Connell is not the sole trustee for the trust u/w of H. A. O'Connell would you please tell me what it is now so that I can address it?
If my Eleventh Court Account is approved would you please let mc know? I thank you in advance.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.06.20 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"Jean, thank you for your June 9, 1999 (copy enclosed). As I've said previously, if I file the charges in the circuit court the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them. Based on the past they will use up your assets and my assets before they allow themselves to be touched by accountability. Do you remember that I asked you to get bonded and the lawyer talked you out of it?
Jean, you are a very good cook. If someone puts poison in your cooking pot do you keep it a secret and keep serving it or do you clean it out and start fresh?
Please do not let them intimidate you into secrecy. Please make yourself aware.
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant.
Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person
If you read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ..., I believe you will understand that the CPA, Jo Anne Barnes; the lawyer, Ed White; and the stock broker, Allison May; are part of a fraud operation, that the CPA is probably the core of it, and that the worst thing any of us could do is to continue to rely on and carry out their advice.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. I am saying that their advice should not be relied upon.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probable more than I know about.
History suggests that these entanglements will be "discovered" when I try to sell Accotink, that they will be used to try to sabotage any sale I try to make, that they will be made to appear as if they were my fault, and that they will use that to take over control of Accotink. This fifteen acres near the Springfield Transportation Center is significant. Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation.
Jean, you are hooked and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware. Please separate yourself from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that. The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting. Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it.
If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong (Except to try to expose them). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila. .
1. Please do not continue to rely upon the CPA's advice. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania (one who does not advocate secrecy from the beneficiaries) and tell them the advice the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker told you and see what they say. If you continue to think that the CPA is your friend and is helping you, I believe we are doomed.
2. Please understand that mother and you were set up. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
3. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will structure it so that you will fight me to cover for them.
4. Please separate yourself and our assets from the fraud operation so we can successfully sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
(Enclosure to above)
(Jean Nader's letter of June 9, 1999)
1999.07.02 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"The total 1999 real estate tax for Accotink is $ 3,690.00. Would you please send me a check for $3,690.0013 = $ 1,230.00? Sheila, you also owe me for 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, plus interest.
Sincerely, Anthony
1999.07.06 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila)
"Jean, you are a very good cook. If someone puts poison in your cooking pot do you keep it a secret and keep serving it or do you clean it out and start fresh?
The same goes for the estate accounting. The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probably more than I know about. History suggests that (1) these entanglements will be "discovered" if I try to sell Accotink, that (2) these entanglements will be used to try to sabotage any sale I make, that (3) these entanglements will be used to create conflict and chaos among us, that (4) the conflict and chaos will be made to appear as if it were my fault, that (5) the appearance that it is my fault will be used to take over control of Accotink, that (6) they will use their control of Accotink for their gain and our loss, and (7) they will use trusting and unwitting family members like you to cany it out and cover for them.
Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. You were at the settlement. What did the CPA and lawyer tell you and mdther? A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation. Jean, you are hooked by a fraud operation and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware.
Please separate yourself and our assets from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that.
The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting.
Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it. When they steal money from the estate they are stealing money from all the beneficiaries. Please do not cover for them. Please do not let them scare you into terminal secrecy.
They frame their clients to protect themselves. If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong with mother's estate (Except knowing some accounting and trying to expose their accounting). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila.
1. Please understand that mother and you were set up to protect the fraud operation. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
Please to not tolerate secrecy. Please do not continue to rely upon any accountant or advisor who advocates or allows secrecy.
2. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania and do everything you can to learn about and expose the estate accounting.
3. Please read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ... .
I don't know what more I can do other than write a book trying to explain how the fraud operation works. There is a limit to the level of risk I will put myself in trying
to get around the secrecy.
4. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will use you to fight me and protect themselves. You and I will suffer financially and they will remain protected. That's the way they structured it from day one.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. Please make yourself aware so that I can sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.07.16 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila)
"Jean, you are a very good cook. If someone puts poison in your cooking pot do you keep it a secret and keep serving it or do you clean it out and start fresh?
The same goes for the estate accounting.
The CPA and lawyer have put accounting and other controlling entanglements on Accotink. Because of the accounting secrecy there are probably more than I know about. History suggests that (1) these entanglements will be "discovered" if I try to sell Accotink, that (2) these entanglements will be used to try to sabotage any sale I make, that (3) these entanglements will be used to create conflict and chaos among us, that (4) the conflict and chaos will be made to appear as if it were my fault, that (5) the appearance that it is my fault will be used to take over control of Accotink, that (6) they will use their control of Accotink for their gain and our loss, and (7) they will use trusting and unwitting family members like you to cany it out and cover for them.
Please try to understand what they did in my sale of the first parcel. You were at the settlement. What did the CPA and lawyer tell you and mdther? A prudent person would not try to sell Accotink without first freeing it from the control of the fraud operation. Jean, you are hooked by a fraud operation and unless you face this none of us can get our money from Accotink. Please make yourself aware.
Please separate yourself and our assets from them and do not cover for them. If I understand FBI agent Healy correctly, you told him that you could justify the two versions of the estate tax return. If that is true, please contact the FBI and correct that.
The two versions of the estate tax return means that you were led to believe that the $175,000 taken out of the estate was sent to the IRS when only $1 19,000 was sent to the IRS. It means they doctored the IRS documents, it means that they stole money from the estate, and it means that they wanted you to cover for them by getting you to sign the documents. The CPA, the lawyer and the stockbroker are in control of the accounting.
Please put the responsibility for the accounting on those that did it. When they steal money from the estate they are stealing money from all the beneficiaries. Please do not cover for them. Please do not let them scare you into terminal secrecy.
They frame their clients to protect themselves. If you would like to determine the source of the conflicts try to get the CPA or lawyer or stockbroker to identify exactly what it is that they have lead you to believe that I have done wrong with mother's estate (Except knowing some accounting and trying to expose their accounting). They will not come up with anything that would survive exposure to the light of day. This type of problem resolution was applicable on the playground and it is applicable now. I am not the source of the conflicts. I am not the bad guy.
The cruelest and the most severe loss to me has been the destruction of my relationship with you, Jean, and you, Sheila.
1. Please understand that mother and you were set up to protect the fraud operation. Please do not carry out the operation's policy of secrecy as being loyal to mother. They are using you. Secrecy protects them. They can't operate without secrecy.
Please to not tolerate secrecy. Please do not continue to rely upon any accountant or advisor who advocates or allows secrecy.
2. Please hire a local CPA firm in Pennsylvania and do everything you can to learn about and expose the estate accounting.
3. Please read the book I sent you entitled First Thing is to have the final accounting ... .
I don't know what more I can do other than write a book trying to explain how the fraud operation works. There is a limit to the level of risk I will put myself in trying
to get around the secrecy.
4. Please file charges in the Fairfax County Circuit Court for the money the fraud operation stole from mother's estate and subpoena the financial records from the CPA, the lawyer, and the stockbroker. If I file the charges the operation will say that it's against you too and they will use you to fight me and protect themselves. You and I will suffer financially and they will remain protected. That's the way they structured it from day one.
Jean, please understand that I am not criticizing you and that what has happened in the past is not your fault. You were following the advice of professionals who hold themselves out as trustworthy. Please make yourself aware so that I can sell Accotink.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.07.26 (Anthony
to Jean Nader)
"I am sorry but I have to return the check you sent me for the real estate tax. Please do not make the check out to the County of Fairfax. Please make the check out to Anthony
, Trustee.
Love, Anthony O'Connell, Trustee"
1999.07.31 (Anthony M. O'Connell to Jean Nader and Sheila
"I would like to sell Accotink. But trying to sell Accotink now would be walking into known trap. What would I have to do to convince you that this is true?
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee u/w of H. A.
1999.08.05 (Anthony
to Jean Nader)
"To reimburse me for the real estate taxes requires that you make your check out to me.
I am guessing that whoever advised you to make out your check dated July 18,1999, payable to the County of Fairfax, with the tax map number 0904-01-0017 written on it, will also advise you to send it to the County of Fairfax. If you did that it would create another accounting entanglement on Accotink.
There are already accounting entanglements on Accotink. I have to figure out how I can remove them before I sell Accotink. It is essential to keep the accounting straight and Accotink unencumbered.
Please do not send your check dated July 18,1999 to the County of Fairfax. Please send me a corrected check made out to Anthony O'Connell or Anthony O'Connell, Trustee.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Accotink"
1999.08.07 (Anthony
to Jean Nader)
"I received your letter dated August 2, 1999 and the check made out to Fairfax County.
Please do not unwittingly follow secret advice designed to create a conflict between you and I over the real estate taxes for Accotink.
Cashing this check from you to Fairfax County would create another accounting entanglement on Accotink. It is essential to keep the accounting straight and Accotink unencumbered. Real estate taxes have been a traditional target for entanglement. Your letter gives me the choice of my entangling the real estate taxes for Accotink or being in conflict with you.
I am guessing that whoever advised you to make out your check dated July 18, 1999, payable to the County of Fairfax, with the tax map number 0904-01-0017 written on it, will also advise you to send it to the County of Fairfax. I am guessing that they will make it appear that you had to send it to the County because I was unreasonable in not accepting it.
Please go the person who advised you. Ask them to put their advice to you in writing, sign their name to it, and send me a copy. You would have to be assertive because they will probably intimidate you. If they refuse to do this, if they refuse to be accountable for their advice, do not accept their advice and drop that accountant. Some people would call this common sense. Jean, you are being used and it damages all of us; you, Sheila and me. You have absolutely, positively got to stop the secrecy and get an honest, accountable accountant before it is prudent to try to sell Accotink.
Again, I am returning this check to you. Please do not send it to me again. Please do not send it to the County of Fairfax. I repeat, please do not send it to the County of Fairfax. Please tear it up and send me a corrected check made out to Anthony O'Connell, Trustee. Please make yourself aware of some accounting concepts such as do not commingle funds.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Accotink"
1999.08.09 (Anthony
to Janet Coldsmith)
"It was a pleasure to talk to you this morning. And that is an understatement. When you used the term "paper trail" I knew I was talking to the right person.
This letter is an official request that your office accept no real estate tax payments on Parcel 0904 01 0017 from anyone other than me, Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee (Ref: Bk 8845 p 1444 and Bk 8307 page 1446).
Based on the past, I believe an innocent party will be set up to make payment(s) and that the intention of the forces behind it is to create a conflict over control of the property.
I would appreciate anything you can do. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
1999.08.09 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
'I respectfully request that your office accept no real estate tax payments on Parcel 0904 01 0017 from anyone other than me, Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee (Ref: Bk 8845 p 1444 and Bk 8307 page 1446).
Based on the past, I believe an innocent party will be set up to make payment(s) and that the intention of the forces behind it is to create a conflict over control of the property.
I would appreciate anything you can do. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
1999.08.13 (Anthony
to Janet Coldsmith and Elizabeth Cole)
"In my individual letters to you of August 9, 1999, I requested that your office accept no real estate tax payments on parcel 0904 01 0017 from anyone other than myself, Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee for parcel 0904 01 0017 (Ref: Bk 8845 p 1444 and Bk 8307 page 1446).
(1) Can you prevent the acceptance of real estate tax payments from sources other than myself?
(2) If I set up an automatic electronic payment schedule, would that prevent the acceptance of real estate tax payments from sources other than myself?
(3) Is there any way I can prevent your office from accepting real estate tax payments from sources other than myself?
Thank you for your time and thank you for sharing your knowledge of how this process works.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
1999.08.31 (Anthony
to Janet Coldsmith)
"Thank you very much for your letter of August 27, 1999.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"