Family's agenda
1985.05.14 (estimated) (Jean O'Connell's memo of her phone call to Joanne Barnes. Jean O'Connell in bold)
"So Kaiser-Hilton. Joanne - 549-7800
My son Tony called. He said he wanted very much to be the full trustee with an agent to receive notices and processes from the court & commissioner as in the May 8th letter. Would First thing is to have the *final accounting based on same figures as in the 1st accting. Send it to me- do I have to sign it"
call- will do draft of final acting. Deed to property-convey to court. Needs how much
*The final estate account transfers the residual estate to the testamentary trust, automatically closing the estate and funding the trust. Nothing else can do this. A "deed"/"Agreement"/"receipt" can not do this. The final estate account is the only thing needed. The accountants already have control of the assets in the residual estate; they would lose control of those assets if those assets are transferred to the trust, unless they can supplant the trustee.
Accountant's agenda
1985.05.14 (estimated) (Jean O'Connell's memo of her phone call to Joanne Barnes. Joanne Barnes in bold))
"So Kaiser-Hilton. Joanne - 549-7800
My son Tony called. He said he wanted very much to be the full trustee with an agent to receive notices and processes from the court & commissioner as in the May 8th letter. Would First thing is to have the final accounting based on same figures as in the 1st accting. Send it to me- do I have to sign it"
call- *will do draft of final acting. Deed to property-convey to court. Needs how much
*If you look at the correspondence and documents and connect the dots using common sense, does it look as if:
(1) The accountants
withhold the final estate account for approximately fourteen months and make it appear that it is the family's fault?
(2) The accountants make it appear to Jean O'Connell that Anthony O'Connell is the problem and make it appear to Anthony O'Connell that Jean O'Connell is the problem?
(3) Carrying out the accountant's instructions renders the family powerless?
(4) The accountant's gain control of the family's assets by creating accounting entanglements?
(5) The accountant's frame the family year after year after year by using a trusting family member to carry out their instructions and there is nothing other family members can do to stop them?
(6) The accountant's try to sell trust property without the trustee's knowledge and make it appear that they are just following Jean O'Connell's instructions?
(7) The accountant's primary cover is dividing the family?
(8) Secrecy is essential for the accountants and fatal for the family?
(9) Something makes the accountants not have to be accountable?
Can we look at the evidence before judging? Can we expose the accounting trails behind Bk467p191 and find out where the money went before making any more judgments against our family? This is the evidence. If we can't look at the evidence, let the public know that it can't be done.