Amy Nader

(Note: Amy Johnson is innocent Jean Nader's daughter and my niece. Her letter is beautiful. It is straightforward and lets me know what the accountants are telling innocent Jean Nader.)
2008.04.09   10:35 am (Amy Johnson to Anthony O'Connell)
"Uncle Tony,
I hope your surgury goes well, Please let me know when you are home recouperating. I have read your emails about Accotink and saved them and opened them. I have browsed through attachments of email correspondance and forms. I personally don't understand your reasoning for your name only to be on the sell of the contract. I thought that accotink was yours, my moms and aunt sheila's ..... if it were to be sold then the profits would be of all three of you. I know it is not that simple, and I don't want you to respond in emails of your reasoning because I just wouldn't get it from your perception. Some things in life don't have to be so complicated, and I don't know why this is.
I just felt that this time, that I had to reply, I know I don't know the details, which seem to be numerous to you but life is short and some things aren't worth the stress, when there is so much to be thankful for and to enjoy. It all just seems to me that your relationships with your sisters are stressed and to me financial issues aren't worth that. I don't want you to respond with any forms or "sections" that I should read to understand your thoughts, because its not about that for me.
I hope you are doing well, and wish this issue could come to a close for you and your sisters.
I love you,
Live Love Laugh

(Note: I am including my response because Amy Johnson's clarity and reason makes it seems appropriate.)
2008.04.11   7:37am  (Anthony O'Connell to Amy Johnson)
"I love you too, and thank you. Your email is direct and pertinent. I can't tell you how important that is. I will quote your comment or question and respond to it.
(1) "...and I don't want you to respond in emails of your reasoning because I just wouldn't get it from your perception."
I feel that the written word is the clearest way to try to describe something complicated, and it leaves a reference of who said what. It minimizes confusion. If you think there is a better way than my responding by email, please tell what it is.
Would you please explain what you mean by " I just wouldn't get it from your perception"? I am aware that my credibility has been destroyed. Is that what you mean?
(2) "..... I personally don't understand your reasoning for your name only to be on the sell of the contract. I thought that accotink was yours, my moms and aunt sheila's .....if it were to be sold then the profits would be of all three of you."
This hits the nail on the head. I think others may have been led to think the same as you. Would you please tell me why you thought I was trying to get all the proceeds? Did someone tell you this?
The Seller for Accotink will be the Trustee for Accotink. I will sell Accotink as Trustee and the proceeds go to the three Individuals: Jean Mary O'Connell Nader, Sheila Ann O'Connell, and Anthony Miner O'Connell. The Trustee receives a value added amount. Please read the Trust documents of 1992. There will be clear accounting showing where all the money went. It is necessary to differentiate between me as Trustee and me as an Individual.
If you see a sales contract for Accotink that says the Seller includes "Anthony Miner O'Connell, Individual", that is wrong. I will not sign any sales contract for Accotink that says this. Would you believe me when I tell you that I have been framed to appear that I do want this? That is why you have to see for yourself by reading attachment example 2. Please read it and study it and think about it until you understand the dynamics. I find it extremely stressful to do this but unless you do it, you will never understand what is going on and you will never believe me. History suggests that my sisters will be led to believe that I am trying to cheat them when I sell Accotink. One way is by this Trustee and Individual business in example 2. History suggests that it will be coming up again and again and again. And there is nothing I can do to stop it except to ask you to read and understand example 2.
I will have to put a clause in the sales contract that will allow the Seller to get out of the contract without penalty or other damage if the dynamics such as the above start to interfere.
(3) " .... It all just seems to me that your relationships with your sisters are stressed and to me financial issues aren't worth that."
This also hits the nail on the head (as my Mother would say). To determine (1)who is the source of the problems, and (2) who has the power to stop the problems, please try to read my email and attachments of April 6, 2008. It is not me.
To show why all the conflict, confusion and stress was put upon us during the handling of my Mother's estate, it is necessary to find out where all the money went. But we don't have the power to do it.
I love you Amy, Uncle Tony
Live Love Laugh but don't let them steal the money you've been entrusted to protect"