Shut out
(at 1988 sale)
1987.12.28 (Anthony
to Edward White)
"I got a buyer for my mothers residence while you were out of town. A copy of the purchase agreement is inclosed.
In spite of your excellent advice to my mother to sigh nothing without you* first looking a t it, I urged her to sign this (December 24, 1987) because it is so clean and I felt strongly that it was not good business to wait until January 8, 1988.
Assuming we pass the study period contingency, I hope you will handle the settlement. I'm taking the liberty of giving your name to the buyer, Mr. R E. Lynch. Mr. Lynch mentioned that he may need copies of estate taxes, the death certificate , etc., things I don't have.
Mr. Edwin W. (Bill) Lynch Jr. can be reached at:
Lynch Properties Limited Partnership
6340 Brandon Avenue
Springfield, Virginia 22150
Guston Land Company
7514 Rambling Ridge Drive
Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039
(703) 569-4992
Sincerely, Anthony
1991.03.15 (Edward White to Anthony O'Connell) (Copy to Jean O'Connell)
"Subsequent to our telephone conversation this morning, I reviewed my files in the cases involving Mrs. O'Connell.
I find that I did indeed mail you a copy of the Limited Power of Attorney along with my letter to you of September 12, 1988. I am enclosing another copy of the Limited Power of Attorney and a copy of the letter I sent you. You may not have received it; however, it was not returned to me by the Post Office.
In regard to your inquiry as to why, in 1988, there came a time when I refused to deal with you on the sale, as I said, I recalled that a conceivably adverse relationship had developed between you and your mother concerning the sale. I call your attention to the sixth paragraph in your letter to her of December 8, 1987, a copy of which is enclosed. As to your complaint that I did not share the sale documents with you, I call your attention to my letter to you of April 16, 1988 in which the deed, note and trust were sent to you. A copy of that letter is enclosed.
On April 19, 1988 you appeared in my office and stated that you refused to settle on the next day. We did not have a happy discourse. We did discuss the sale and I asked you if you had any other questions.
I am somewhat puzzled as to why all this is re-surfacing and after reviewing my file and my notes, am not at all comfortable with continuing the dialogue.
Sincerely, Edward J. White"
1987.12.08 (Anthony
to Jean
) (Copies to Edward White, H. A. Higham, Sheila O'Connell and Jean Nader)
"Thank you for your phone call yesterday telling me about your plans to move. I know it is a heart wrenching experience f o r you t o leave the home you have put so much of yourself into over the past fifty years. I congratulate you again or your decision.
On thinking further of our discussion about controlling the destiny of the house, I feel strongly that deed restrictions or soliciting public support t o move the house will only result in obstructing a successful sale.
No one, especially the county, is going to spend $300,000 t o $400,000(?) to have it moved so you can make a better profit. If the county did any thing, they would preserve it in situ, perhaps acquiring the land by eminent domain, a logical extension of the Forestdale School playground. I feel when the county did take seven of your ten acres by eminent domain for Forestdale School, they would have taken the entire property if they knew you were not going to live in the house. They did not do you any favors then by compensating you at $7,000/acre and they are not going to do you any favors now.
At the very least, publicly bringing up the historical significance of the house when you are trying to sell it will make a prospective buyer think very hard about the rezoning battle.
I feel any negotiations concerning the house itself should best be done in private between you and the interested buyer. You also have final control by not selling t o a buyer whose plans you find unsuitable. If you cared enought, a successful sale may give you enought money to have the house moved at your expense.
I am disappointed that you apparently do not want me involved in this transaction. As near as I can determine, you are concerned that I will block the sale. Please tell me of you specific concerns and maybe we will all have a more pleasant and. successful experience.*
If I had any alternative I would not say this - To get a successful sale and to minimize what I know is an incredibly painful experience for you-Walk away from the house and don't look back. Remember it as it was. It is the new owners responsibility and it is lifted from your shoulders.
With respect to your urgency in selling, I am driving to Virginia tomorrow. I can be reached at the home of
Rosemary Haly
220 Wildman 3NE
Leesburg, Virginia 22075
(703) 777-6371
Sincerely, Anthony
1988.04.16 (Edward White to Anthony O'Connell)
"Re: O'Connell to Lynch Properties
Dear Mr. O'Connell,
Enclosed for your signature before a notary public is the original deed. Please date it on the first line and return it to me immediately by express mail. **Also enclosed for your review are copies of the note deed of trust.
Sincerely, Edward J. White"