
1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97

The numbers in the accounting trail 1,475.97 - 816.00 = 659.97 had previously been approved.

The $1,475.97 item was approved by Jesse Wilson on October 4, 1993:
"Payable to the Estate of Jean M. O'Connell ... ... ... ... $ 1,475.97" (Book 480 page 1768)

The $816. 00 and the $659.97 items were approved by Jesse Wilson on March 20, 1993:
"Int fm Harold O'Connell Trust  ......................................... 816.00 "(Book 467 page 192)
"Debt fm Harold O’Connell Trust ...................................... 659.97 "(Book 467 page 192)