Anthony O'Connell
2001 thru 2003
2001.01.1 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"Would you please sign the two enclosed documents entitled "Assignment and Receipt" before a notary and return both originals to me? The purpose of the "Assignment and Receipt" is to free Accotink from accounting entanglements. Notarizing the "Assignment and Receipt" allows it to be recorded in the court records. The court would not record the "Assignment and Receipt" we signed in 1993 because it was not notarized. If you compare the "Assignment and Receipt" that I am asking you to sign now, with that of the enclosed copy of the "Assignment and Receipt" we signed in
1993, I believe you will see that there is no difference except for the date and for the fact that this one is notarized. The sooner I can clear Accotink of accounting entanglements the sooner I can sell it.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2001.02.01 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"Jean, thank you for your notarized signature on the two "Assignment and Receipt" documents and for mailing them back to me. Sheila, would you please do the same?
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2001.02.19 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"Jean, thank you again for your notarized signature on the two "Assignment and Receipt" documents, and for mailing them back to me. Sheila, would you please do the same? If you do not intend to would you please tell me?
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2001.03.06 (Anthony
to Jean
"Thank you for your letter of February 18, 2001.I understand that you want your check #5003 dated 8-10-00 returned and that you want an explanation of why your check was not cashed.
I am returning your check # 5003 dated 8-1-00 because you made it out to the County of Fairfax, and not Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee, as I had asked. Again, I ask you to please send me a replacement check made out to Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee,
(1) Fairfax County sends me a bill for the real estate taxes for Accotink. They send me the bill because I am the Trustee for Accotink. I am responsible for the accounting for Accotink.
(2) I then pay the real estate taxes on Accotink to Fairfax County
(3) I ask you and Sheila to reimburse me for your part because that is what we agreed to do in the Virginia Land Trust Agreement.
The purpose of accounting is to clearly show where money goes. Clear accounting helps prevent money from disappearing. Clear accounting helps prevent future conflicts such as who owes what at the settlement of the sale of Accotink. Since accounting is numbers and not words, I'll use the actual numbers for year 2000:
(1) Fairfax County sent me, Anthony O'Connell, Trustee, a bill for $3,693 for the real estate taxes on Accotink.
(2) I, Anthony O'Connell, Trustee, pay Fairfax County $3,693.
(3) I ask you and Sheila to reimburse me as Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee, for your portion. Since there are three of us, that $3,693 is divided by 3, or $1,231 each.
Unless you learn accounting, I do not expect you to understand the damaging consequences of carrying out the secret advisors advice. But I beg you, until you learn accounting, to please take my advice here. It is extremely important:
(1) DO NOT write any more checks payable to Fairfax County about anything to do with Accotink.
(2) DO NOT SEND ANY CHECKS TO FAIRFAX COUNTY about anything to do with Accotink.
(3) In summary, the secret advisors are advising you to make your check payable to the County of Fairfax. I am advising you to make your check payable to Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee. Do you think you could ever untangle the accounting for the real estate taxes on Accotink if you did what the secret advisors are advising you to do?
Why do you think the secret advisors do not want to be accountable for the advice that they give you?
(4) Please tell me if you have already sent checks to Fairfax County and for what purpose.
(5) Please tell me what you intend to do now.
Love, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2001.04.10 (Anthony
to Jean Nader, Sheila
and the next generation)
"I am responsible to you for our inheritance in the form of Accotink.
I regret to inform you that Accotink is still tied up in the Office of the Commissioner of
Accounts, Jesse B. Wilson, ID, by the accounting entanglements created by the CPA Jo Anne Barnes and the lawyer Edward J. White.
History suggests that the people who created these accounting entanglements will use them in a hostile takeover of Accotink if I try to sell it, and confuse the accounting and make money disappear in the confusion.. Those who control the accounting entanglements control the people and assets they entangle.
If I understand the enclosed letter of August 9, 2000 from the Office of Chief Judge F.
Bruce Bach correctly, in order for me try to to remove these accounting entanglements, or to clear the title for Accotink, or to fully expose the accountings of mother's estate and have the discrepancies addressed, I would have to file a motion. But if I file a motion it puts me against Jean:
Anthony O'Connell, Trustee vs. Jean Nader and Edward White, Co-executors
And history suggests that the unknown people who are advising the innocent family member, Jean Nader, will no more allow the accounting entanglements to be removed, or the title to Accotink to be cleared, or the accountings for mother's estate to be fully exposed and the discrepancies addressed, than they have in the past nine years.
History also suggests that they will ruin Jean Nader financially and lead her to believe I am responsible (Please see the lawyer's enclosed letter of April 22, 1992, my enclosed letter of October 31, 1993 asking Jean to get bonded, and the lawyer rejecting it).
Every traditional path of justice for me through the Courts is blocked by the innocent family member set up. The unknown advisers can do anything they want and my only remedy automatically puts me against Jean (unless Jean separates herself from them).
How it works
Greatly simplified, unknown people secretly give fraudulent advice to the innocent family member. They avoid accountability by having their identity and their advice kept secret. When Jean carries out their advice, such as telling me how to do the accounting affecting Accotink, and I say it would confuse the accounting, or create an accounting entanglement, or I not follow the advice, it appears to be a conflict between Jean and I.
And presto, we have a conflict in the family over Accotink.
The only thing Jean has done wrong is to trust the advice of people who hold themselves out to the public as trustworthy. But as you read this letter, you may notice that no matter how hard I try to make this understood, that it is the secret advisers to Jean and not Jean that is the source of the problems it will appear as if I am causing a conflict with Jean..
But the source of the conflicts and the confused accountings is neither Jean nor I. The source is the secret advisers. But Jean does not understand this. I cannot overcome the combined influence of the people in powerful positions who are secretly advising Jean.
The secret advisers' advice is intended to confuse the accounting, make money disappear in the confused accounting (as in steal money), and make it appear as if the confusion and conflicts they create in the family are caused by family members. A divided family protects them. The more damage and animosity the secret advisers can create between family members the more it protects the secret advisers. They want the conflicts and blame they create and plant in the family to stay in the family. They do not want the family to communicate among themselves. They want Jean to be totally depended on them and they want her to be scared secret.
They confused the accounting in mother's estate, stole money from mother's estate, and made it appear that Jean and I were responsible for their confused accounting.
I will do whatever is necessary to try to prevent them from doing that with Accotink. But that puts me on a collision course with Jean because the secret advisers use Jean.
It would be foolhardy to try to sell Accotink until the accounting entanglements are recognized and the unknown people who are giving secret advice to Jean Nader (and
Sheila O'Connell?) stop. I cannot have the secret advisers have Jean (and Sheila?) work against me. To successfully sell Accotink we cannot be divided. We have to be one seller and one family with one agenda and no secrets. Secrecy is fatal. No secrets
The secret advisers have already used Jean to extend their confusion of the accounting on
Accotink with the real estate taxes (Please see the enclosure Sabotage Sale, Accotink).
Confusing the real estate taxes has been their pattern for takeover for fifteen years in our family.
I believe I could overcome the accounting entanglements and other obstacles if Jean and
Sheila still trusted my advice. But the secret advisers have destroyed my credibility. At this point it is unrealistic to expect that I could get Jean or Sheila to sign a sales contract or a deed.
Jean and Sheila, I am assuming that you still do not believe what I have been telling you.
If so you have been remarkably tolerate on that basis. But what I am telling you is true. If you are waiting for a higher authority to agree with me before you believe me, I do not think that will happen. I have tried to get a just power to intervene since 1992. Apparently no one, for instance, is going to tell you that there is not supposed to be two versions of the Estate Tax Return with the same dates.
If you believe that I have not sold Accotink for the past eight years because of some personal hang up on my part, you may consider suing me. But I ask that you do some fact finding first. Please find out how much money the people you are apparently relying upon stole from mother's estate, why they keep accountings secret, why they destroyed my reputation, and why they set up mother up from 1985 to her death of a heart attack in
The truth is in the accountings
The truth is in the accountings. The evidence is the accountings. The evidence is not in the words of the secret advisers no matter how powerful their positions of trust. The truth is in fully exposing the accountings for mother's estate and addressing the discrepancies
Because the Commissioner of Accounts Jesse B. Wilson, III, the CPA Jo Anne Barnes and the lawyer Edward J. White have not done that in the past nine years I believe that they will not do it in the future. No one has ever fully exposed the accountings for mother's estate and addressed the discrepancies. Please understand the significance of this. Our family has been put in continual conflict over the past nine years concerning the accounting. But the secret advisers have not ever allowed their accountings to be fully exposed and the discrepancies addressed.
Learn accounting
The only remaining possibility for me to successfully sell Accotink and avoid a mutually destructive contest with Jean is for Jean to learn some basic principals of accounting so that she can understand for herself. Then other things may fall into place.
Jean, I respectfully ask that you:
1. Learn accounting. If you learn the basic principals of accounting you can understand for yourself. I suggest the objectivity and support of a classroom. No matter how long it takes. Please make it the major focus of your life.
2. When you are ready, please try to fully disclose and address the discrepancies in mother's estate. As co-exector of mother's estate you are expected to know the accountings for the estate inside out and especially where the money went. Please learn the set-ups. I believe it will be the most emotionally difficult thing you have ever done in your life. It has been for me.
3. Minimize stress. Minimize stress by focusing on nothing now but learning the principals of accounting. Again I suggest the objectivity and support of a classroom.
Avoid the secret advisers until you learn the principals of accounting. Believe me, they do not want you to learn accounting or to confront them about theirs. They are banking on it that you won't. You are their protection. They want you to be totally depended on them and they want you to be scared secret.
I ask the next generation to support Jean Nader in leaning the principals of accounting, in fully exposing the accounting and addressing the discrepancies in mother's estate, and in keeping no secrets. Secrecy is fatal. The more the secret advisers want something kept secret the more important it is to expose it. This is your inheritance one generation removed, and if Jean and/or Sheila die before me this legacy will fall directly on you. I ask that you start to learn about it now.
I want to make sure that everyone understands the present situation. History and the confused accountings suggest that the secret advisors have given me only three choices concerning Accotink: (1) I continue to leave Accotink in the protection of the Virginia
Land Trust and not sell it, or I try to sell it and (2) I allow them to continue to use Jean to confuse the accounting and steal money, or (3) I try to stop them and get into a contest of mutual financial destruction with Jean,
The only possible way out that I can think of is for Jean to learn accounting so that she can understand for herself and stop taking the secret advisers advice.
Love, Anthony O'Connell, Trustee
Enclosures (3)
Money Disappears
There should not be two versions of the Estate Tax Return with the same dates. This is accounting fraud. It is self-evident. This is why they keep accountings secret. Money is not supposed to disappear.
(See the pdf reference for the 9 pages of documents that are not included here)
Sabotage Sale, 1988
I sent Edward White a signed and notarized Purchase Agreement for a real estate sale I made in my capacity as Trustee and asked if he would handle the settlement (Page 1).
Three and a half months later, five days before settlement, Edward White sent me a deed to sign that states, among other things, that I could not qualify as Trustee (Pages 4 and 5). Court records show I was qualified as Trustee (Page 6). Edward White put me in the position of having to sign this deed as written or he would make it appear to my family that I was obstructing the settlement. I signed the deed as written.
By law settlement has to be made in accordance with the terms of the Purchase Agreement unless all parties agree to any changes. The lawyer did not ask or notify me of any changes (page 3). The Purchase Agreement requires that the lawyer represent only all or only none of the individuals comprising the single legal entity of "Seller" (page 2). If the lawyer is representing none he should not be sending them deeds to sign (page 4) or charging them for his services (page 7).
Please note that Edward White's version given to my mother (page 8) is different from the version given to the Bar investigator (pages 9 and 10). Edward White does not have to take an accountable position in writing.
A similar sabotage is planned for the remaining real estate that we call Accotink (B8845 p1444 and B8307 p1446). The evidence is in the confused accountings and in the advice of the secret advisors.
If I can't convince my family of what was done in my sale 12 years ago I do not believe I can convince my family of what is planned to happen if I try to sell Accotink
(Editor's note: The following is on page 2)
Dear Jean and Sheila,
Please take the time to do some fact finding here. If you do not recognize what was done in my sale 12 years ago I would not expect you to recognize a similar thing happening with Accotink.
1. Who made this sale?
2. Do you think the settlement should be in accordance with the Purchase Agreement? If not who or what determines the terms of the settlement?
3. What does page 2 mean to you (page 1 of the Purchase Agreement)?
4. Do you believe page 2 or the Bar (page 9-10)?
5. What does page 3 mean to you (page 10 of the Purchase Agreement)?
6. Do you believe page 3 or the Bar (page 9-10)?
7. Who do you think wrote the deed (page 5) the lawyer send me to sign (page 4)?
8. Do you believe the deed that states that I could not qualify as Trustee (page 5) or do you believe the Court Orders that states I did qualify as Trustee (page 6)?
9. Do you believe the lawyer's letter to mother (page 8)? If so what was the reason for the lawyer dismissing me? Do you think he should give a reason? Do you think he should give me a reason before settlement? Do you think page 3 (page 10 of the
Purchase Agreement) means he should give me a reason? Do you think he should have given me a reason in the past 12 years?
10. Do you believe the lawyer's letter to mother (page 8) or the lawyer's apparent answer to the Bar (page 9-10)?
11. Do you believe the lawyer can send deeds to people to sign and charge people for his services and not represent them?
12. If you do not recognize what was done in my sale 12 years ago do you think I should expect you to recognize a similar thing happening with Accotink?
13. Jean, to my surprise you showed up at the settlement. The lawyer did not even tell me the date or place of the settlement. What was your role supposed to be? What had you been advised to do?
Jean, please tell us in writing what you think happened here. It is very important that you do. Please, no secrets. We need straight talk.
(See the pdf reference for the 10 pages of documents that are not included here)
Sabotage Sale, Accotink
There are numerous entanglements on Accotink. I will address only the entanglement of the real estate taxes. Entangling the real estate taxes has been used as a takeover tool on our family since 1985. Please try to determine who owes who how much. This is a suggested start:
I am of the opinion that the estate owes the trust for the second half real estate taxes from September 15,1991 through December 31, 1991 in the amount of $1052.35. This is shown on your accounting [please note how I am made to appear responsible for their accounting] a disbursed to the heirs. Should this be paid back to the heirs or to the Trust?
From Edward White's letter of May 19, 1992 (Page 8)
The $1,794.89 of real estate taxes which you as Trustee paid [please note how I am made to appear responsible for their accounting] on behalfof the three heirs
(Sheila O'Connell, Jean Nader and Anthony O'Connell) was an obligation owed directly by the three heirs as your mother's interest in this real estate passed directly to each of you at her death. When you received the K-1's for 1991, attached was a schedule for each of you to report 1/3'~ of these real estate taxes on your individual income tax returns.
From the CPA firm's letter of February 12, 1993 (available on request)
Those who control the accounting entanglements control the people and assets they entangle. I have no more control over Accotink than I do the real estate taxes.
(See the pdf reference for the 15 pages of documents that are not included here)
2001.07.12 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"The total 2001 real estate tax for Accotink is $3,693.00. Please send me a check for your share of 1/3 of that amount, or $1,231.00, payable to Anthony O'Connell, Trustee.
Please, please, do not make your check payable in any way other than to Anthony
O'Connell, Trustee, and please do not send it anywhere except to me. Please do not accept the advice of people who advise you to make your check payable in some way other than this. Jean, you also owe me for 1999 and 2000. Sheila, you also owe me for 1992, 1993, 1994,1995,1996,1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000.
Love, Anthony
, Trustee"
2001.07.31 (Anthony
to Sheila
O'Connell) (Copy to Jean Nader)
"I have not yet received the Assignment and Receipt document that I gave you at
Jennifer's wedding on July 7, 2001. If you do not intend to sign it before a notary and return it to me please tell me that. Have you been advised by someone to not sign it?
Love, Anthony
, Trustee"
2001.08.24 (Anthony
to Sheila
O'Connell) (Copy to Jean Nader)
"Sheila, thank you for returning the Assignment and Receipt document with your notarized signature. I received it yesterday. Thank you very much.
Love, Anthony
, Trustee"
2001.11.11 (Anthony
to Jean Nader)
"If you feel comfortable with it, may I spend this coming Christmas with you?
Love, Tony"
2002.07.07 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"The total 2002 red estate tax for Accotink is $3,996.30. Please send me a check for your share of 113 of that amount, or $1,332.10, payable to Anthony O'Connell, Trustee.
Please, please, do not make your check payable in any way other than to Anthony
O'Connell, Trustee, and please do not send it anywhere except to me. Please do not accept the advice of people who advise you to make your check payable in some way other than this. Jean, you also owe me for 1999, 2000, and 2001. Sheila, you also owe me for 1992, 1993,1994,1995,1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.
Love, Anthony O'Connell, Trustee"
2003.07.04 (Anthony
to Fairfax County Real Estate Division)
"Thank you for having email capability. I am Trustee for Parcell 09-4-0017 and would like to change my mailing address on your records. Would you please tell me how you would like to to do it? May I do it with this email or is some other way required?
I would like to change my mailing address on your records from:
Anthony M OConnell, Trustee
Suite 12
216 Governors Lane
Sedona, Arizona 86336
Anthony M OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
Thank you,
Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2003.07.08 (Anthony
to Tina Strickland)
"Thank you for responding. And I would like to thank whoever decided to make the real estate division email connected with the public.
Anthony M.
2003.07.10 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole) (Copy to Anthony O'Connell)
"Please change the mailing address for the Trustee of 090-4-01-0017 to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2003.07.14 1:14am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"Please change the mailing address for the Trustee of 090-4-01-0017 to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2003.07.14 3:00pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"Thank you for responding.
(1) At this time the address has not been changed in your data base. Can you please me when it will be?
(2) Because I have not received the 2003 tax bill yet, will you please (a) email me the amount for the entire year, and (b) allow me to send you a check for that amount without a bill?
Is there not anything I can do to avoid your penalties? Thank you,
Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2003.07.15 12:39pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.15 4:12pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee"
2003.07.16 12:59pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.16 7:48pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.17 5:38am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.17 9:23am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have did not receive a screen printed copy showing amount due. Please mail me a hard copy. Would you please answer my questions?
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.17 9:27am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.17 11:58am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.17 5:02pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. As you can see from the above attachedment, they forwarded your notice of assessment change for Parcel 090-4-01-0017 to me last March. Please, because the post office has been forwarding my mail, I don't understand your:
"The reason you didn't get a bill is because the address you listed below was not the one we had on file, which we have now updated."
Please, if you sent a bill out, please tell me what happened to it. If the post office returned it to you, please put it in another envelope and send it to me so that we can understand what happened. I understand that I will be held responsible for not receiving the tax bill. So please, again, I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01 0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
If you have any questions please email me, call me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.18 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. As you can see from the above attachment, they forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-010017 to me last March. Your envelope has "ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED" printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this address service requested?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.19 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. As you can see from the above attachment, they forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-010017 to me last March. Your envelope has "ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED" printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this address service requested?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.20 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. As you can see from the above attachment, they forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-010017 to me last March. Your envelope has "ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED" printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this address service requested?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.21 4:37am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. As you can see from the above attachment, they forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-010017 to me last March. Your envelope has "ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED" printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this address service requested?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at 928 204-2942, or write to me at the above address. Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.21 5:40pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
" I still have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) I cannot sell parcel 090-4-01-0017 until the accounting confusion over the real estate taxes are resolved. History suggests that the accounting confusion over the real estate taxes will be used as a takeover tool.
(5) Why do you continue to not send me the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01- 0017?
(6) If you sent the real estate tax bill out, please tell me to who and to where you sent it.
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at the above address.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.21 6:00pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I still have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. They forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-010017 to me last March. Your envelope has "ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED" printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this address service requested information?
(5) I cannot sell parcel 090-4-01-0017 until the accounting confusion over parcel 090-4-01-0017 is resolved. If I try to sell it history suggests that the accounting confusion will be used as a takeover tool by those who created the confusion.
(6) If you sent the real estate tax bill out, please tell me to who and to where you sent it.
(7) Why do you continue to not send me the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01- 0017?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at the above address.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.21 6:12pm (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I still have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. They forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-010017 to me last March. Your envelope has "ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED" printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this address service requested information?
(5) I cannot sell parcel 090-4-01-0017 until the accounting confusion over parcel 090-4-01-0017 is resolved. If I try to sell it history suggests that the accounting confusion will be used as a takeover tool by those who created the confusion.
(6) If you sent the real estate tax bill out, would you please tell me to who and to where you sent it?. What is the bill control number? In 1992 the real estate tax bill control number for this parcel was 403331560. What is the 1993 real estate tax bill control number for this parcel? Does this control number show to who and to where you sent it?
(7) Why do you continue to not send me the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01- 0017?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at the above address.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.22 6:24am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I still have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. They forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-01-0017 to me last March.
Your control number on the assessment change notice is 200305009183. Your envelope has "Address service requested" printed on it (Please see attachment). Would you please tell me how you use this control number and address service requested information?
(5) I cannot sell parcel 090-4-01-0017 until the accounting confusion over parcel 090-4-
01-0017 is cleared away. If I try to sell before then history suggests that the accounting confusion will be used as a takeover tool. Those who control the accounting confusion control the people and assets that the accounting confusion entangles.
(6) If you sent the real estate tax bill out, would you please tell me to who and to where you sent it? Would the bill control number show that? In 1992 the real estate tax bill control number for this parcel was 403331560 (Please see attachment). What is the 1993 real estate tax bill control number for this parcel?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at the above address.
Thank you."
2003.07.22 9:12am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I still have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017. I know you are busy but this is the 15th time I have asked you.
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. They forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-01-0017 to me last March.
Your control number on the assessment change notice is 200305009183. Your envelope has Address service requested printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this control number and address service requested information?
(5) I cannot sell parcel 090-4-01-0017 until the accounting confusion over parcel 090-4-
01-0017 is cleared away. If I try to sell before then history suggests that the accounting confusion will be used as a takeover tool. Those who control the accounting confusion control the people and assets that the accounting confusion entangles.
(6) What is the control number on the 1993 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017? What is the audit trail for this control number?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at the above address.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.23 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I still have not received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. They forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-01-0017 to me last March.
Your control number on the assessment change notice is 200305009183. Your envelope has Address service requested printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this control number and the Address service requested information?
(5) I cannot sell parcel 090-4-01-0017 until the accounting confusion over parcel 090-4-
01-0017 is cleared. If I try to sell it before then history suggests that the accounting confusion will be used as a takeover tool. Those who control the accounting confusion control the people and assets that the accounting confusion entangles.
(6) Because of the above, it is extremely important that you tell me where and to whom you sent the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017. Please, please, tell me where and to whom you sent the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(7) On July 22, 2003, I was told that the control number on the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017 is 403608501. What does the audit trail show for this control number? Where and to whom was the bill sent?
(8) I have asked you to send me the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017 about fifteen (15) times now. Why do you not send it?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at the above address.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.24 5:51am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"I still have not received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. They forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-01-0017 to me last March.
Your control number on the assessment change notice is 200305009183. Your envelope has Address service requested printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this control number and the Address service requested information?
(5) I cannot sell parcel 090-4-01-0017 until the accounting confusion over parcel 090-4-
01-0017 is cleared. If I try to sell it before then history suggests that the accounting confusion will be used as a takeover tool. Those who control the accounting confusion control the people and assets that the accounting confusion entangles.
(6) Because of the above, it is extremely important that you tell me where and to whom you sent the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017. Please, please, tell me where and to whom you sent the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(7) Why do you not send me even a copy of this bill?
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at the above address.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.24 8:37am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"I still have not received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(1) Would you please tell me why I have not yet received a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(2) Would you please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017?
(3) Would you please mail it to:
Anthony M. OConnell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
(4) The post office has been doing an excellent job of forwarding my mail. They forwarded your notice of assessment change for parcel 090-4-01-0017 to me last March.
Your control number on the assessment change notice is 200305009183. Your envelope has Address service requested printed on it. Would you please tell me how you use this control number and the Address service requested information?
(5) I cannot sell parcel 090-4-01-0017 until the accounting confusion over parcel 090-4-
01-0017 is cleared. If I try to sell it before then history suggests that the accounting confusion will be used as a takeover tool. Those who control the accounting confusion control the people and assets that the accounting confusion entangles.
(6) Because of the above, it is extremely important that you tell me where and to whom you sent the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017. Please, please, tell me where and to whom you sent the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-4-01-0017.
(7) I have asked you about sixteen (16) times now. Why do you not send me even a copy of this bill?
(8) I ask anyone that I have send a copy of this request to, to please ask Elizabeth J Cole, Division Director,, to please send me a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-04-01-0017
If you have any questions please email me or write to me at the above address.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.25 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole and others) (Copy to Anthony O'Connell)
"Would any of you be willing to try to find out:
1) Why I cannot obtain a 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017?
2) What the document trail has been starting with the bill control number that would be found on the that bill? For reasons too complex to explain here, it is extremely important to find out to whom the real bill was sent and why.
3) Why the reference for parcel 0904-01-0017 on the printout I was sent (attachment This is not a tax bill) is WB201109, and not Book 8307 pages 1446-1452 (Deed in trust under land trust agreement), or Book 8845 pages 1449-1462 (Land Trust Agreement), or Book
8845 pages 1444-1448 (Power of Attorney)?
If the above can not be found out, would you please tell me why? Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.07.26 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole and others) (Copy to Anthony O'Connell)
"I still cannot obtain my 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 090-04-01-0017. If you would like me to send you copies of my nineteen (19) requests for it, I would be happy to do so.
1) Can any of you obtain a copy? That is the first step. A copy would show a lot, such as to who it was mailed to and the bill control number. If a copy cannot be obtained, the taxpayer is helpless. If a copy cannot be obtained, can you please find out why?
2) Can you email or mail a copy to:
Anthony M. O'Connell, Trustee
45 Skyview Road
Sedona, Arizona 86336
Thank you.
Sincerely, Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.07.27 (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please answer some questions?
1. If it is your position that the printout you are sending me is a tax bill would you please tell me why?
2. Why are you using WB201 109 as a reference for parcel 0904-01-0017?
3. Why do you not reference the documents that show that I am responsible for parcel 0904-01-0017? (Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in trust under land trust agreement;
Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land
Trust Agreement)
4. I have asked you nineteen (19) times for the real estate tax bill. Why do you not send it?
5. Did you send the real estate tax bill out? If so, who did you send it to?
Confusions on the court records and unanswered questions about them prevent me from carrying out my duties as Trustee. Confusions have prevented me from selling parcel 0904-01- 0017 for the past ten years.
The only possible way to clear away the confusions is to follow the document trails and audit trails. The more difficult the audit trails are to follow the more important it is to not be diverted from them. If you can not follow the audit trails and answer my questions would you please tell me why? Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017"
2003.07.28 6:52am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"Would you please answer some questions?
1. If it is your position that the printout you are sending me is a tax bill would you please tell me why?
2. Why are you using WB201 109 as a reference for parcel 0904-01-0017?
3. Why do you not reference the documents that show that I am responsible for parcel 0904-01-0017? (Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in trust under land trust agreement;
Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land
Trust Agreement)
4. I have asked you nineteen (19) times for the real estate tax bill. Why do you not send it?
5. Did you send the real estate tax bill out? If so, who did you send it to?
Confusions on the court records and unanswered questions about them prevent me from carrying out my duties as Trustee. Confusions have prevented me from selling parcel 0904-01- 0017 for the past ten years.
The only possible way to clear away the confusions is to follow the document trails and audit trails. The more difficult the audit trails are to follow the more important it is to not be diverted from them. If you can not follow the audit trails and answer my questions would you please tell me why? Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.07.28 7:03am (Anthony
to Melissa Conradi)
Thank you for responding.
2003.07.28 7:20am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole) (Copy to Fairfax Journal)
"Would you please answer some questions?
1. If it is your position that the printout you are sending me is a tax bill would you please tell me why?
2. Why are you using WB201 109 as a reference for parcel 0904-01-0017?
3. Why do you not reference the documents that show that I am responsible for parcel 0904-01-0017? (Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in trust under land trust agreement;
Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land
Trust Agreement)
4. I have asked you nineteen (19) times for the real estate tax bill. Why do you not send it?
5. Did you send the real estate tax bill out? If so, who did you send it to?
Confusions on the court records and unanswered questions about them prevent me from carrying out my duties as Trustee. Confusions have prevented me from selling parcel 0904-01- 0017 for the past ten years.
The only possible way to clear away the confusions is to follow the document trails and audit trails. The more difficult the audit trails are to follow the more important it is to not be diverted from them. If you can not follow the audit trails and answer my questions would you please tell me why? Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.07.29 8:05am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"Thank you for emailing me a copy of the 2003 real estate tax bill for parcel 0904-01-
0017. I received it July 28. What is the audit trail for its' Bill Control 403608501(?)? What is the audit trail for its' Address Service Requested?
Would you please correct the legal description and reference on the tax bill? It should be B8307p1446, B8845p1444, B8845p1449. If it is your position that it should be the WB
201 109 on the tax bill, and not B8307p1446, B8845p1444, B8845p1449, would you please tell me why?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee until the confused audit trails entangling parcel 0904-01-0017 are clear. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.07.30 5:59am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole)
"Would you please correct the legal description for 0904-01-0017 on the tax bill? The legal description should be B8307p1446, B8845p1444, B8845p1449.
If it is your position that it should be the WB 201 109 on the tax bill, and not
B8307p1446, B8845p1444, B8845p1449, would you please tell me why? How would anyone know I was Trustee from looking at WB 201 109?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee until the confusions surrounding the audit trails of parcel 0904-01-0017 are cleared away. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.07.30 Letter Anthony
to Katherine Hanley to Kevin Greenlief)
"I received a copy of the enclosed email from Mr. Anthony
regarding his request for real estate tax billing information about a particular parcel of property. Please provide me with a copy of the Department of Tax Administration's answer to Mr.
's inquires.
Thank you."
2003.07.30 (Anthony
to Jean Nader and Sheila
"The total 2003 real estate tax for Accotink is $5,555.39. Please send me a check for your share of 113 of that amount, or $1,851.79, payable to Anthony O'Connell, Trustee.
Please, please, do not make your check payable in any way other than to Anthony
O'Connell, Trustee, and please do not send it anywhere except to me. Please do not accept the advice of people who advise you to inake your check payable in some way other than this.
Jean, you also owe me for 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.
Sheila, you also owe me for 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.
The enclosed copy of the notice of assessment change shows that the assessed value of
Accotink increased from $300,000.00 to $478,500.00 effective as of January 1, 2003.
Love, Anthony .
, Trustee"
2003.07.31 3:47am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please correct the legal description for 0904-01-0017 on the tax bill? The legal description should be B8307p1446, B8845p1444, B8845p1449.
If it is your position that it should be the WB 201 109 on the tax bill, and not
B8307p1446, B8845p1444, B8845p1449, would you please tell me why? How would anyone know I was Trustee from looking at WB 201 109?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee until the confusions surrounding the audit trails of parcel 0904-01-0017 are cleared away. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.07.31 3:55am (Anthony
to Elizabeth Cole) (Copy to Fairfax Journal)
Would you please correct the legal description for 0904-01-0017 on the tax bill? The legal description should be B8307p1446, B8845p1444, B8845p1449.
If it is your position that it should be the WB 201 109 on the tax bill, and not
B8307p1446, B8845p1444, B8845p1449, would you please tell me why? How would anyone know I was Trustee from looking at WB 201 109?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee until the confusions surrounding the audit trails of parcel 0904-01-0017 are cleared away. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.08.05 5:16am (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975. The legal description should be the following documents dated 1992: Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.08.06 2:43am (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975. The legal description should be the following documents dated 1992: Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.08.20 3:37pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975. The legal description should be: Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident.
Thank you."
2003.08.22 1:59pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.08.22, 2:37pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.08.25 5:14pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.08.27 9:10am (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.08.27 6:00pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.09.01 7:48am (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.09.11 3.24pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief) (Copy to Kate Hanley)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.09.14 8:09am (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.09.14 8:12am (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for Parcel 0904-01-0017?
The legal description should be: (1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement; (2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and (3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
If you read the documents it is self evident. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.01 5:37pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017? The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
The legal description should be the following documents dated 1992:
(1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement;
(2) Book 8845 pages.1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and
(3) Book 8845 pages 1449- 1462, Land Trust Agreement.
If you read the documents it is self evident.
Confusions on the court records and unanswered questions about them prevent me from carrying out my duties as Trustee. Confusions have prevented me from selling parcel 0904-01-0017 for the past ten years. Experience has taught me that it would not be prudent to try until the confusions are cleared away.
Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017, before I am sent one, associated with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017? Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.01 5:42pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017? The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
The legal description should be the following documents dated 1992:
(1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement;
(2) Book 8845 pages.1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and
(3) Book 8845 pages 1449- 1462, Land Trust Agreement.
If you read the documents it is self evident.
Confusions on the court records and unanswered questions about them prevent me from carrying out my duties as Trustee. Confusions have prevented me from selling parcel 0904-01-0017 for the past ten years. Experience has taught me that it would not be prudent to try until the confusions are cleared away.
Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017, before I am sent one, associated with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017? Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.03 12.35pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017? The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
The legal description should be the following documents dated 1992:
(1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement;
(2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and
(3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
If you read the documents it is self evident.
Confusions on the court records and unanswered questions about them prevent me from carrying out my duties as Trustee. It would not be prudent for me to try to sell 0904-01-0017 until the confusions are cleared away. Experience has taught me that the people who create and control confusion control the assets and people who are intangled in the confusion.
Confusions have prevented me from selling parcel 0904-01-0017 for the past ten years.
If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-01-
0017? Why do you not correct the legal description on your tax bill or respond to my requests? Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.04 4:14am (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017? The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
The legal description should be the following documents dated 1992:
(1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement;
(2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and
(3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
If you read the documents it is self evident.
Confusions on the court records and unanswered questions about them prevent me from carrying out my duties as Trustee. It would not be prudent for me to try to sell 0904-01-0017 until the confusions are cleared away. Experience has taught me that the people who create and control confusion control the assets and people who are intangled in the confusion. Confusions have prevented me from selling parcel 0904-01-0017 for the past ten years.
If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why? Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-01- 0017? Why do you not correct the legal description on your tax bill or respond to my requests? Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.06 6.34pm (Anthony
to Kevin Greenlief) (Copy to multiple recipients)
"Would you please correct the legal description on your real estate tax bill for parcel 0904- 01-00 17? The legal description should not be WB201p109 dated 1975.
The legal description should be the following documents dated 1992:
(1) Book 8307 pages 1446-1452, Deed in Trust Under Land Trust Agreement;
(2) Book 8845 pages 1444-1448, Power of Attorney; and
(3) Book 8845 pages 1449-1462, Land Trust Agreement.
If you read the documents it is self evident.
Confusions on the court records and unanswered questions about them prevent me from carrying out my duties as Trustee. It would not be prudent for me to try to sell 0904-01-0017 until the confusions are cleared away. Experience has taught me that confusion can be used as tool to control the assets and people who are intangled in the confusion. Confusions have prevented me from selling parcel 0904-01-0017 for the past ten years. Would you please answer a few questions?
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1 - 0017?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me? Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.08 6.30am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can.
Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01 0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 0017?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.09 6.08am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01 0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1 - 0017?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered.
Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.10 4.37am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can.
Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01 0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1 - 0017?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered. Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.14 12.09pm (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01 0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1 - 0017?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered.
Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.15 5.59am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.16 1.20pm (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.17 4.09am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.20 6.08am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.21 7.28 am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.22 5.13am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.23 5.48am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.28 8.06am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.10.31 10.37am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.11.03 9.17am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.11.04 6.34am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can.. Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.11.07 5.45am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.11.11 10.45am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.11.18 6.42pm (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.11.22 6.09pm (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"
2003.12.12 11.33am (Anthony
to multiple recipients) (Copy to Kevin Greenlief)
"Subject: Issue: Can the public get their questions answered?
Dear Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and to whom it may concern:
I do not have the power to get Mr. Kevin Greenlief, Director, Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, to answer my questions. I know of no other option but to try to get someone who can. . Can any of you get Mr. Greenlief to answer these questions:
(1) If it is not clear that I am Trustee for parcel 0904-01-0017 would you please tell me why?
(2) Does my having to ask nineteen (19) times for the 2003 tax bill for parcel 0904-01-0017 have anything to do with the incorrect legal description on the tax bill for parcel 0904-0 1- 00 17?
(3) Why do you not correct the legal description?
(4) Why do you not respond to me?
I cannot properly perform my duties as Trustee unless I can get answers to questions such as these. I do not have a dispute with Fairfax County. I ask that no one make it appear so and it being accepted as such. The issue is whether the public can get their questions answered Thank you.
Anthony M.
, Trustee for Parcel 09-4-01-0017 (B8307p1446, B8845p1449, B8845p1444)"